Change Log
v 4.0.0
Added features:
- Major improvement in GUI (using FLTK lib)
- Customizable Robots
- Customizable Arena
- Pan view
- Auto-rotating view
- Time-slider when reading from log files
- Removed openCV library and added libpng for screenshots
- used Standard Template Library for dynamic implementation
- Dropped buggy Video recording
v beta 3.0
Added features:
- Placing obstacle (by reading from ASCII file)
- Simulating from the given motion algorithm (in form of code)
- Saving the generated positions in a log file
- Show/Hide obstacle
- Show/Hide trails
Bugs fixed:
- Changing the colour of the robots according to the latest collision
v 2.2
Added features:
- Support for Khepera III
- Collision detection by changing colour
- Numbering the robots
- Onboard View of robots
Bugs fixed:
- Unstability associated with 'Info-bar'
v 2.0
Added features:
- Lighting control
- Chessboard floor
- Motion-trails
- Zoom In/Out
- Animation speed control
- Centriod of the robots
Bugs fixed:
- Unstability associated with 3D panaromic view
v 1.2
Added features:
- 3D panaromic view through mouse control
- Info bar to display any message
- Video recording
- Saving snapshots
v 1.0
Added features:
- 3D view of robots
- Replay the whole animation
- Stop, play-pause
Bugs fixed:
- Unstability associated with all the basic features